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August 2014 Board Meeting Actions

admin September 2, 2014

PALMDALE, CA, September 2, 2014 – The Board of Directors of the Palmdale Water District, with five Directors present, considered the following matters at the AUGUST 13, 2014 REGULAR BOARD MEETING:

  • Consent calendar items were unanimously approved as follows: minutes of regular meeting held July 23, 2014; payment of bills for August 13, 2014; Professional Services Agreement for Monitoring and Reporting of Wind Turbine. ($10,500.00 – Budgeted – Assistant General Manager Knudson/Facilities Committee); revisions to Organization Chart; and Agreement Between San Bernardino Valley Municipal Water District (SBVMWD), Palmdale Water District (PWD), and the Department of Water Resources (DWR) for Transportation of Up to 2,500 Acre Feet of Supplemental Exchange Water in 2014. (Water & Energy Resources Director Pernula)
  • Consideration and possible action on revisions to Rules and Regulations Article 10.03-B-Refund of Deposit. (Finance Manager Williams/Personnel Committee): It was unanimously carried to remove Sections 10.03.B.1.b and 10.03.B.2.a from the District’s Rules and Regulations regarding deposit refunds for single family residences. This removal will ease some restrictions regarding deposit refunds.
  • Consideration and possible action on Setting Palmdale Water District’s assessment rates for fiscal year 2014-2015 and adoption of Resolution No. 14-13 regarding said rates. It was unanimously carried to adopt Resolution No. 14-13 setting the Palmdale Water District’s assessment rates for fiscal year 2014-2015 at a rate of 0.345856. Assessment rates are levied to cover fixed costs associated with the State Water Project.
  • Consideration and possible action on policy for Rate Assistance Program. (Finance Manager Williams/Finance Committee): It was unanimously carried to approve a policy for a Rate Assistance Program with the Program open to seniors 62 and older and the Program offered to other low income residents after implementation depending on the success and rate of participation in the Program.
  • Consideration and possible action on revisions to Rules and Regulations Section 8.02.H – Consumer’s Responsibility for District Property and 8.03.C.7 – Rates, Miscellaneous Charges, Property Damage. (Finance Manager Williams/Personnel Committee): It was unanimously carried to revise Sections 8.02.H and 8.03.C.7 of the District’s Rules and Regulations regarding angle stop fees and the installation of isolation valves. This revision will allow staff more flexibility regarding damages to the District’s property.
  • Consideration and possible action on Board and staff attendance at conferences, seminars, and training sessions as follows: 30th Annual Tri-State Seminar to be Held September 23 – 25, 2014 in Las Vegas, Nevada; American Water Works Association CA-NV Section Fall Conference to be Held October 20 – 23, 2014 in Reno, Nevada; Special District Leadership Academy Governance Series Conference to be Held November 16 – 19, 2014 in San Diego; Association of California Water Agencies Fall Conference & Exhibition to be Held December 2 – 5, 2014 in San Diego: It was unanimously carried to approve Board and staff attendance at these conferences.

The Board of Directors of the Palmdale Water District, with four Directors present, considered the following matters at the AUGUST 27, 2014 REGULAR BOARD MEETING:

  • Consent calendar items were unanimously approved as follows: approval of minutes of regular meeting held August 13, 2014; payment of bills for August 27, 2014; approval of budget reallocation to purchase used dump truck. ($55,000.00 – Non-Budgeted – Facilities Manager Moore/Facilities Committee); approval of Resolution No. 14-14 Adding a Claims Presentation Protocol as Article 19 to the Palmdale Water District’s Rules and Regulations. (Attorney Quilizapa)
  • Consideration and possible action on approval of Agreement in Principle (AIP) affirming terms of contract extension between Palmdale Water District (PWD), State Water Contractors, and the Department of Water Resources (DWR) for a future amendment to extend the State Water Project contract to year 2085. (Water & Energy Resources Director Pernula/Water Supply & Reliability Committee): It was unanimously carried to approve the Agreement in Principle (AIP) affirming the terms of the contract extension for a future amendment to extend the State Water Project contract to year 2085. The District entered into a contract to obtain State Water Project (aqueduct) water in the 1960’s, and the current contract ends in 2035. Extension of the contract will allow the District to continue to receive water from this valuable water source and will offer affordable debt service to all State Water Project Contractors.

The Palmdale Water District Board of Director meetings are held twice a month on the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of each month at 7:00 p.m. The next regular Board meeting will be held September 10, 2014. Board meetings are held at the District’s office at 2029 East Avenue Q, Palmdale, and the public is invited to attend.

Contact: Dennis LaMoreaux, General Manager, 661-947-4111 x(1017)

About Palmdale Water District:

The Palmdale Water District has grown from an agency providing irrigation water for 60 customers to an agency providing domestic water to the thriving community we know today. Founded as an irrigation district supplying water mainly to farms for agricultural use, the District’s boundaries expanded with Palmdale’s rapid population growth, and the District has shifted to providing predominantly municipal and industrial water. The Palmdale Water District is currently divided into five divisions covering areas in East and central Palmdale. The Palmdale Water District remains dedicated to providing clean, pure water; state of the art facilities to meet current and future needs; attentive staff committed to customer satisfaction; treatment and testing to ensure high quality water; education on water conservation and safety; and reliable supply and resourceful planning insuring customer satisfaction and continued reasonable rates. The Palmdale Water District can be reached by calling (661) 947-4111. The Palmdale Water District is located at 2029 East Avenue Qin Palmdale, California.

Palmdale Water District Board Members

Division 1: Robert E. Alvarado

Division 2: Joe Estes

Division 3: Gloria Dizmang

Division 4: Kathy Mac Laren

Division 5: Vincent Dino

Use Water Wisely. It’s a Way of Life


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Palmdale Water District

Palmdale Water District

The overall objective of the District is to make available the highest quality water at the lowest price.

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Our Water-Use Efficiency Team had an amazing time teaching students at Golden Poppy Elementary about water conservation! 💧✨PWD is proud to inspire the next generation of water-saving heroes! #PWD #wue
Nuestro Equipo de Eficiencia en el Uso del Agua se divirtió mucho enseñando a los estudiantes de la Escuela Primaria Golden Poppy sobre la conservación del agua. 💧✨¡PWD se enorgullece de inspirar a la próxima generación de héroes ahorradores de agua! #PWD #wue
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Our Water-Use Efficiency Team had an amazing time teaching students at Golden Poppy Elementary about water conservation! 💧✨PWD is proud to inspire the next generation of water-saving heroes! #PWD #WUE 
Nuestro Equipo de Eficiencia en el Uso del Agua se divirtió mucho enseñando a los estudiantes de la Escuela Primaria Golden Poppy sobre la conservación del agua. 💧✨¡PWD se enorgullece de inspirar a la próxima generación de héroes ahorradores de agua! #PWD #WUE

PWD proudly participated in the Help for Heroes Foundation Softball Tournament on Saturday! �� We stepped up to the plate to help support the mental health needs of our active duty & retired military personnel, veterans, first responders, & healthcare workers. #PWD #COMMUNITY #BETTERTOGETHER
PWD se enorgullece de haber participado el sábado en el Torneo de Softball de la Fundación Help for Heroes. �� Nos acercamos a la placa para ayudar a apoyar las necesidades de salud mental de nuestro servicio activo & personal militar retirado, veteranos, primeros en responder, & trabajadores de la salud. #PWD #COMUNIDAD #MEJORJUNTOS
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PWD proudly participated in the Help for Heroes Foundation Softball Tournament on Saturday! �� We stepped up to the plate to help support the mental health needs of our active duty & retired military personnel, veterans, first responders, & healthcare workers. #PWD #COMMUNITY #BETTERTOGETHER
PWD se enorgullece de haber participado el sábado en el Torneo de Softball de la Fundación Help for Heroes. �� Nos acercamos a la placa para ayudar a apoyar las necesidades de salud mental de nuestro servicio activo & personal militar retirado, veteranos, primeros en responder, & trabajadores de la salud. #PWD #COMUNIDAD #MEJORJUNTOS

Join us for the Palmdale Ditch Conversion Project Open House & learn how your team can be a part of this important project to enclose the ditch, enabling PWD to supply more water to customers. #PWD #CONTRACTORS #OPENHOUSE #CA

🗓️ Date: Wednesday, September 18, 2024
⏰ Time: 10 a.m. - 12 p.m.
📍 Location: 2029 East Ave. Q, Palmdale
Únase a nosotros para el Palmdale Ditch Conversion Project Open House y aprenda cómo su equipo puede ser parte de este importante proyecto para encerrar la zanja, permitiendo a PWD suministrar más agua a los clientes. #PWD #CONTRATISTAS #OPENHOUSE #CA

🗓️ Fecha: Miércoles, 18 de septiembre de 2024
⏰ Hora: 10 a.m. - 12 p.m.
📍 Lugar: 2029 East Ave. Q, Palmdale
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Join us for the Palmdale Ditch Conversion Project Open House & learn how your team can be a part of this important project to enclose the ditch, enabling PWD to supply more water to customers. #PWD #CONTRACTORS #OPENHOUSE #CA

🗓️ Date: Wednesday, September 18, 2024
⏰ Time: 10 a.m. - 12 p.m. 
📍 Location: 2029 East Ave. Q, Palmdale 
Únase a nosotros para el Palmdale Ditch Conversion Project Open House y aprenda cómo su equipo puede ser parte de este importante proyecto para encerrar la zanja, permitiendo a PWD suministrar más agua a los clientes. #PWD #CONTRATISTAS #OPENHOUSE #CA

🗓️ Fecha: Miércoles, 18 de septiembre de 2024 
⏰ Hora: 10 a.m. - 12 p.m. 
📍 Lugar: 2029 East Ave. Q, Palmdale

Thanks to the #bestcrewever, the water main break on 42nd Street has been repaired! 💧🙌The team worked swiftly to resolve the issue for all the services affected. Apologies again to those who lost water service. #PWD
Gracias al #bestcrewever, ¡la rotura de la tubería principal de agua en la calle 42 ha sido reparada! 💧🙌El equipo trabajó rápidamente para resolver el problema para todos los servicios afectados. Disculpas de nuevo a los que perdieron el servicio de agua. #PWD
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Thanks to the #BESTCREWEVER, the water main break on 42nd Street has been repaired! 💧🙌The team worked swiftly to resolve the issue for all the services affected. Apologies again to those who lost water service. #PWD 
Gracias al #BESTCREWEVER, ¡la rotura de la tubería principal de agua en la calle 42 ha sido reparada! 💧🙌El equipo trabajó rápidamente para resolver el problema para todos los servicios afectados. Disculpas de nuevo a los que perdieron el servicio de agua. #PWDImage attachmentImage attachment

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Way to go PWD crew‼️

�Water Main Break on 42nd Street �
160 services are currently being affected due to a contractor hitting a main water line on 42nd St. The affected area includes 42nd St. to 35th St. & extends from the aqueduct to Pearblossom. PWD is on-site & working to resolve the issue.
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�Water Main Break on 42nd Street �
160 services are currently being affected due to a contractor hitting a main water line on 42nd St. The affected area includes 42nd St. to 35th St. & extends from the aqueduct to Pearblossom. PWD is on-site & working to resolve the issue.
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