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Littlerock Sediment Removal Project

The proposed action is to construct a concrete grade control structure within Littlerock Reservoir, haul sediment from behind the dam to nearby quarry sites, and maintain the storage capacity through annual sediment removal. The US Forest Service would approve the project on National Forest System lands by issuing an amendment to the existing Special Use Permit for Littlerock Dam and Reservoir. The project would restore the Littlerock Reservoir to 1992 water storage and flood control capacity and preserve habitat for the arroyo toad by preventing sediment loss and headcutting of the stream channel. The EIS/EIR describes the proposed action and evaluates and describes the environmental impacts associated with construction and operation, identifies those impacts that could be adverse, and presents mitigation measures, which, if adopted by the Forest Service, Palmdale Water District, or other responsible agencies, would avoid or minimize those impacts.

Palmdale Water District Littlerock Sediment Removal Project Final Environmental Impact Statement / Environmental Impact Report

Littlerock Reservoir Sediment Removal Project – Final EIR – Volume 1 of 2 35MB

Littlerock Reservoir Sediment Removal Project – Final EIR – Volume 2 of 2 35MB

Littlerock Reservoir Sediment Removal Project – Notice of Final EIR Certification Hearing

Resolution No. 17-12

Notice of Determination

Littlerock Sediment Removal Record of Decision


Resolution 17-12

A Resolution of the Board of Directors of the Palmdale Water District Certifying the Final Environmental Impact Report (State Clearinghouse # 2005061171), Adopting Findings of Fact as Required by Public Resources Code Section 21081(A) and CEQA Guidelines Section 15091, and Adopting a Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program as Required by Public Resources Code Section 21081.6, and CEQA Guidelines Section 15097, as Related to the Littlerock Reservoir Sediment Removal Project.

Resolution No. 17-12

Notice of Determination

On March 22, 2017, the Board of Directors for the Palmdale Water District held a noticed public hearing in its Board Room to consider certification of the Final Environmental Impact Report (EIR) and its decision on the Littlerock Reservoir Sediment Removal Project. At this public hearing, the District Board of Directors certified the Project Final EIR and approved the Project with conditions after consideration of all public information and the comments received on the Project and Final EIR. As required by CEQA, the District has filed a Notice of Determination (NOD) with the Los Angeles County Clerk and the State Clearinghouse within five working days of the Project decision. A copy of the NOD is available on the District’s webpage for the Project:

Notice of Determination

The District has been supported in the preparation of the Final EIR by the USDA Forest Service, Angeles National Forest, as the Lead Agency under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). It should be noted that the Forest Service issued the Littlerock Reservoir Sediment Removal Project joint Final Environmental Impact Statement (EIS)/EIR and its Draft Record of Decision (ROD) on February 17, 2017 in compliance with its 45-day review period for its objection process, and prior to the issuance of its Final ROD expected by late Spring/early Summer 2017. The contents of the Final EIR and the joint Final EIS/EIR are exactly the same. However, given the bifurcated decision processes for the NEPA and CEQA lead agencies, the Palmdale Water District has opted to move forward with certification of the environmental analysis document under CEQA in advance of the Forest Service Final Record of Decision to facilitate the State and local agency permitting processes.

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